Serve Our City 2021
Serve Our City is kicking off this Thursday and running August 5 - 8. If you're not already signed up, here are a few ways you can help:
Click the link below to see the full project list and register to serve. Thank you to everyone who gets involved... this is a fun and easy way to spread the love of Jesus in our community!
- Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to the Red Cross Blood Drive this Thursday, taking place 1-7PM at the church.
- How do you invite them, you ask? Personal invitation is always great! You can also share C3's FB Event on your social media platform to help spread the word.
- Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to Movie on the Lawn this Friday! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous. You can also share C3's FB Event on your social media platform to help spread the word. This is an EASY thing to invite someone to who may otherwise not be comfortable coming to a Sunday service just yet.
- We still need volunteers for our Saturday neighbor projects. Click the link below to register for one that interests you!
- Help bring much needed school supplies for our local schools to service on Sunday!
- We're collecting backpacks, glue sticks, pencil pouches, pencils, pens, colored markers, colored pencils, crayons, spiral notebooks, and folders!
Click the link below to see the full project list and register to serve. Thank you to everyone who gets involved... this is a fun and easy way to spread the love of Jesus in our community!

21 Day Fast - 2022Day 1 - 21 Day FastDay 2 - 21 Day FastDay 3 - 21 Day FastDay 4 - 21 Day FastDay 5 - 21 Day FastDay 6 - 21 Day FastDay 7 - 21 Day FastDay 8 - 21 Day FastDay 9 - 21 Day FastDay 10 - 21 Day FastDay 11 - 21 Day FastDay 12 - 21 Day FastDay 13 - 21 Day FastDay 14 - 21 Day FastDay 15 - 21 Day FastDay 16 - 21 Day FastDay 17 - 21 Day FastDay 18 - 21 Day FastDay 19 - 21 Day FastDay 20 - 21 Day FastDay 21 - 21 Day FastMarriage Conference 2022
No Service December 27, 202021 Day FastDay 1 - 21 Day FastDay 2 - 21 Day FastDay 3 - 21 Day FastDay 4 - 21 Day FastDay 5 - 21 Day FastDay 6 - 21 Day FastDay 7 - 21 Day FastDay 8 - 21 Day FastDay 9 - 21 Day FastDay 10 - 21 Day FastDay 11 - 21 Day FastDay 12 - 21 Day FastDay 13 - 21 Day FastDay 14 - 21 Day FastDay 15 - 21 Day FastDay 16 - 21 Day Fast
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