Uncharted - Let's Celebrate
C3 Church,
I want to take a minute and celebrate where we are at in our Uncharted, 2 year generosity initiative. I have been absolutely blown away by our church's continued generosity given everything that has taken place this year.
Since December 2019, we have raised almost $820,000 toward our goal of $4 million. We’ve also had 49 brand new givers in the past 3 months. Isn’t that awesome? Even during these truly uncharted times, we get to celebrate those taking huge steps of faith in their generosity.
There are some who have donated resources and time as well. This month we received a donation of UV lights to be installed in our HVAC system. This helps kill any bacteria that could potentially be pushed out through our air conditioning system... helping to create the safest environment for you and your family.
Also, you may have noticed this past Sunday that work has begun on our road and parking at the front of our building. The equipment and labor required for this work is not cheap, and someone so generously donated all of the labor and equipment for this construction project.
Today I'm sharing only a few of the many stories of generosity within our church, to celebrate all that God is doing in the hearts and lives of our people.
Thank you to all who continue to give to this Uncharted initiative. As you give, the vision that All of Columbus Would Know Jesus continues to advance. And through it all, God continues to grow us and stretch us in our faith so that we may become more like Him.
If you're reading this and you're new to C3 or have not yet made your commitment to this 2-year generosity initiative and you want to get involved, simply head to our C3 App or click here, to make your commitment today.
That All of Columbus Would Know Jesus,
Konan Stephens
Lead Pastor
I want to take a minute and celebrate where we are at in our Uncharted, 2 year generosity initiative. I have been absolutely blown away by our church's continued generosity given everything that has taken place this year.
Since December 2019, we have raised almost $820,000 toward our goal of $4 million. We’ve also had 49 brand new givers in the past 3 months. Isn’t that awesome? Even during these truly uncharted times, we get to celebrate those taking huge steps of faith in their generosity.
There are some who have donated resources and time as well. This month we received a donation of UV lights to be installed in our HVAC system. This helps kill any bacteria that could potentially be pushed out through our air conditioning system... helping to create the safest environment for you and your family.
Also, you may have noticed this past Sunday that work has begun on our road and parking at the front of our building. The equipment and labor required for this work is not cheap, and someone so generously donated all of the labor and equipment for this construction project.
Today I'm sharing only a few of the many stories of generosity within our church, to celebrate all that God is doing in the hearts and lives of our people.
Thank you to all who continue to give to this Uncharted initiative. As you give, the vision that All of Columbus Would Know Jesus continues to advance. And through it all, God continues to grow us and stretch us in our faith so that we may become more like Him.
If you're reading this and you're new to C3 or have not yet made your commitment to this 2-year generosity initiative and you want to get involved, simply head to our C3 App or click here, to make your commitment today.
That All of Columbus Would Know Jesus,
Konan Stephens
Lead Pastor
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